October 15, 16 & 17, 2020 marked three days of celebration of the Erasmus+ Programme in Europe and beyond. Erasmus Days are a unique opportunity to organise an event, share Erasmus experiences and spread the word about Erasmus projects. For those that want to study or train abroad, Erasmus Days offer three dedicated days to learn about the Erasmus+ Programme, talk with the programme’s alumni and network via exhibitions, concerts, contests, seminars, partner networking, open days, distribution of Europass Mobility documents, digital events, and more.
In 2020, a total of 5,024 events were organised across Europe during Erasmus Days. The OpenLang Network project participated with several events organised by the project partners, both individually and jointly. On October 16, all project partners organised a webinar to disseminate the project and its outputs. Alexander Mikroyannidis (The Open University, UK) presented the OpenLang Network platform, an open and collaborative online environment for networking between language learners and teachers across Europe.
The OpenLang Network project is building a network among all Erasmus+ KA1 Mobility Participants within an open and highly interactive online environment for supporting more efficiently their efforts to develop their language skills of the target mobility EU languages. Alexander Mikroyannidis is the Principal Investigator (PI) of the Open University, in charge of the project’s online platform. This is a key output for the project as a whole, as it offers the technological foundations for the success and sustainability of the project’s language learning network.
Watch the recording of the webinar here:
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