UPDATE: Extended paper submission deadline: July 10th 2015
The 5th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning (ARTEL 2015) will be held in the context of the EC-TEL 2015, Toledo, Spain: 15 September 2015.
The workshop aims at:
- Providing a forum for presenting and discussing research on awareness and reflection in TEL.
- Creating an interactive experience that connects participants’ research, current tools or latest prototypes and models with real end users’ learning experiences and requirements regarding reflection technology.
- Creating an agenda for future ARTEL research and development.
Proceedings will be published in the CEUR workshop proceedings. The workshop will be accompanied by a special issue on Awareness and Reflection in TEL published in IJTEL. We will especially invite the authors of the best papers from ARTEL 2015 and previous editions to submit to the special issue.
Important dates
30.06.2015 10.07.2015 Submission Deadline
10.08.2015 Notification of Acceptance
30.08.2015 Camera-Ready Papers
15.09.2015 Workshop
30.10.2015 Publication of Workshop Proceedings
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